Alexi purple

Alexi provides high-quality answers to complex legal questions in memo format for lawyers. Below you can see a collection of sample excerpts from just some of the thousands of research memos we produce.

Is there any case law where a defendant's claim that exculpatory evidence was not presented to the grand jury?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for failing to preserve or preserve evidence in a criminal case?

California, United States of America

Does the meaning of the term "punitive damages" in federal common law apply to a plaintiff's claim?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for reasonable doubt in jury selection?

California, United States of America

Can a defendant be convicted of both a greater crime and a necessarily included lesser crime for the same conduct?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a motion for judgment of acquittal under section 1118.1?

California, United States of America

What is the current state of the law in relation to conspiracy against each other?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for overturning a probation condition requiring the probation officer to search a juvenile offender's electronic search device?

California, United States of America

What is the test for admitting evidence of a similar method, plan or scheme in the commission of criminal acts similar to that used in this case?

California, United States of America

What is the effect of an unexplained delay of 3 and one-and-a-half years between the complaint and service of the summons?

Alberta, Canada

In what circumstances will a city attorney be excused from negligence in pursuing a section 473 motion?

California, United States of America

Can a federal court grant habeas relief against a state?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is there any case law where a murder confession does not support a finding of premeditation and deliberation?

California, United States of America

What is the appropriate middle term sentence for abuse of discretion?

California, United States of America

What is the legal basis for an attorney fee under the de novo standard?

California, United States of America

What is the test for making a fraudulent claim under section 550 of the Penal Code?

California, United States of America

What is the current state of the law on causation in medical malpractice cases?

Alberta, Canada

What is the city's liability for failing to provide a notice of intent or notice of omission from a policy making employee?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is a plaintiff entitled to attorney's fees for services performed after the trial?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the reasonable effort required by the Attorney General to reveal the identity of an informer?

California, United States of America

What is the current state of the law on the meaning of proof beyond a reasonable doubt?

California, United States of America

What is the test for determining whether a party's intention was intended?

British Columbia, Canada

Does the alleged inadequacy of the trial judge's instructions affect the outcome of the appeal?

Ontario, Canada

What is the standard of conduct of an experienced insurance adjuster?

British Columbia, Canada

What is the province's position on a claim for damages arising out of a motor vehicle accident?

British Columbia, Canada

Is there any case law where a doctor has no recollection of a procedure?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for determining whether a defendant has a duty to treat an injured person?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the equitable remedy of unjust enrichment when there is an agreement between the parties?

British Columbia, Canada

Does a motion for severance have to be re-examined on appeal?

California, United States of America

What is relevant evidence in a personal injury action?

California, United States of America

What is the test for evidence of prior acts under Rule 404(b)?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for impeaching a witness who has been convicted of moral turpitude?

California, United States of America

What is appropriate for summary judgment in a personal injury action?

Ontario, Canada

What is the standard of proof required for a plaintiff to prove hypothetical events?

British Columbia, Canada

In what circumstances will the court interrupt appellant's testimony and confer with counsel outside the presence of the jury?

California, United States of America

Can an actuarial surplus in the Trust Fund be realized in violation of the terms of the Plan?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for inadmissible evidence in a sexual assault case?

California, United States of America

What is the test for making a demurrer in a cause of action?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a claim that a law enforcement officer used excessive force during the course of an arrest?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the totality of the evidence against defendant in his possession of a controlled substance?

California, United States of America

What is the test for making an intelligent waiver?

California, United States of America

What are the relevant factors for determining an award in the context of matrimonial home matter?

Ontario, Canada

Is there a withdrawal defense to the charge of conspiracy to produce marijuana?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the evidence given by an expert in a medical malpractice case?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a pleading in a pro se pleading that refers to federal law?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What are the requirements for a jury to interpret jury instructions in a personal injury case?

California, United States of America

Is there a need for a sua sponte instruction on the limited purposes for which evidence of prior crimes is admissible at the penalty phase of a capital case?

California, United States of America

What is the test for making a threat against someone who is not a true threat?

California, United States of America

Is an expert allowed to give an opinion on whether a witness is telling the truth?

California, United States of America

What is the test for variation of a support order/agreement?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for a claim of discretionary sentencing error in a criminal case?

California, United States of America

What is the rule of liability of directors in the management of a bank?

MultiRegion, United States of America

How have courts considered the argument that corroborating evidence is sufficient for a jury to acquit a defendant in a civil case?

California, United States of America

In what circumstances have courts found that a defendant acted alone in committing an attempted robbery?

California, United States of America

What is a builder’s duty to warn the owner of defects in their construction plans?

Nova Scotia, Canada

How does a court review a judgment dismissing a complaint after the granting of a demurrer without leave to amend?

California, United States of America

What is the limitation period for an action brought by a plaintiff who alleges that she was sexually harassed by her ex-partner?

California, United States of America

What constitutes a "malevolent touch" by a prison guard as an actionable violation of the Eighth Amendment?

MultiRegion, United States of America

In what circumstances will a court or arbitrator decide whether or not a plaintiff has been fraudulently induced to agree to an arbitration provision?

California, United States of America

What is the test for determining whether a person can be found to be a defendant in a civil case?

California, United States of America

What is the current state of the law in relation to the Miranda safeguards?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Can a defendant waiver the right to appeal a sentence that has yet been imposed?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the applicable statute of limitations for a motor vehicle accident?

California, United States of America

What is the test for granting an application for an extension of time?

Canada (Federal), Canada

What is the test for actual possession of a firearm?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the state of the law when it comes to determining whether a motion is a Rule 7(b) motion?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for determining whether there is no rational basis to argue that an instructional error could have affected a jury's verdict?

California, United States of America

Is there a greater including or lesser included crime?

California, United States of America

What is the test for "beneficially interested" parties to obtain a writ of motion for personal injury?

California, United States of America

Does a federal habeas petition amount to an exercise of due diligence?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for certifying a decision by the Commissioner of Health and Social Services denying benefits de novo?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for reasonable suspicion in a vehicle search?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for determining whether a piece of evidence is relevant or prejudicial?

California, United States of America

Under what circumstances can an accused make a preliminary showing of false statements in a search warrant affidavit?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What remedies are available to a judge who finds counsel in breach of the principle of leading a party to lead contradictory evidence?

Alberta, Canada

Is a skid consistent with negligence or no negligence?

Nova Scotia, Canada

What is the test for maintaining a discrimination claim against a municipality or individual in their official capacity?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is a defendant entitled to withdraw his plea on the grounds that the court failed to advise him of the mandatory permanent revocation of his driver's license?

California, United States of America

What is the legal test for a deliberate fabrication of evidence claim under the Fourteenth Amendment?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the effect of a grand jury deciding to suspend action on a witness who has been granted immunity?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the government's obligation to prove that the inevitable discovery exception to the exclusionary rule applies?

MultiRegion, United States of America

How does the law of defense of others work?

California, United States of America

What is the scope of the discretionary function exception to the waiver of sovereign immunity granted to an employee who made a policy making decision?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is loss of housekeeping capacity a separate head of damages?

British Columbia, Canada

What is the legal test for misapprehension or mixed fact and law?

British Columbia, Canada

Can an anti-SLAPP motion be made against a claim for declaratory relief?

California, United States of America

What is the legal test for affirmative action in hiring practices?

"New York", United States of America

What is the test for an allegation of "aid and abet in the operation of a gambling establishment"?

"New York", United States of America

What is the test for ineffective assistance of counsel?

California, United States of America

Does a defendant who overdoses on a drug during the course of his trial have waived his right to be present at trial?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for establishing that evidence of a prior sexual assault is indisputably relevant in a prosecution for another sexual offence?

California, United States of America

In what circumstances will a court require a police officer to contribute towards his salary?

California, United States of America

What is the difference between a fluctuating pension system and a fixed pension system?

California, United States of America

Is there sufficient evidence to support the prosecution's theory that appellant committed murder by means of torture?

California, United States of America

What is the test for the doctrine of caveat emptor in used home purchase transactions?

Manitoba, Canada

Is this sidewalk on a private property subject to First Amendment protection due to its dedication?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is the standard of review for applying the Guidelines for Application of the Guidelines "de novo or abuse of abuse of power"?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Can a conviction under felony-murder rule be overturned where the victim suffered a heart attack during a robbery?

MultiRegion, United States of America

In what circumstances have the courts found that the driver of a car to the right was driving recklessly at the right side of the road at the time of an oncoming collision?

Saskatchewan, Canada

What is the test for striking testimony after a witness refuses to answer questions during cross-examination?

MultiRegion, United States of America

How has section 667.61 of the California Sex Offences Act been interpreted by courts?

California, United States of America

What is the test for appeal against a final determination of a motor vehicle accident?

California, United States of America

What is the test for admissible evidence in a personal injury action?

California, United States of America

What is the test for total revocation of a suspect's Fifth Amendment right to remain silent?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for a motion of no confidence in a federal district judge?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What are the implications of the error by the trial court in determining that a defendant was denied a fair trial by mistake?

California, United States of America

Is there a defence to an inducing breach of fiduciary duty claim?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for presumption of resulting trust?

Saskatchewan, Canada

How have the courts dealt with the standard of discovery in asbestos cases?

California, United States of America

Can a police officer search a car and all containers that could contain drugs without a warrant?

California, United States of America

What is the effect of the Court of Appeal's decision making process in determining whether or not to order a minute order or abstract of judgment in a criminal case?

California, United States of America

Does the Attorney General have a right to appeal against the dismissal of an information laid by the War time prices and trade board?

Saskatchewan, Canada

What is the test for determining whether a defendant's negligence contributed to an injury?

British Columbia, Canada

What is the test for judgment under rule 12.02 of the Statutory Immunity Act?

Ontario, Canada

Does the Attorney General have the authority to grant asylum to "refugees"?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Can a defendant waive his right to a jury trial as to alleged facts establishing that a current charged offense is a serious felony?

California, United States of America

What is the difference between a draft warrant and an actual warrant?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is a common-law relationship that extended over a long-term common law relationship valid?

British Columbia, Canada

Can a defense that the court lacks subject matter jurisdiction be raised at any stage of the proceeding?

"New York", United States of America

What is the test for granting probation in a criminal case?

California, United States of America

Can a plaintiff’s opinion or opinion be expunged from the documents being produced?

Ontario, Canada

How have courts interpreted the meaning of political speech?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the legal test for making a statement or writing before a legislative, executive or judicial proceeding?

California, United States of America

Is a Native American tribe permitted to sell alcohol and cigarettes on their reservation?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the legal framework and legal principles within which an order for costs will be made?

Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Is Rule 52(b) of the Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 52(B) mandatory for a jury to acquit a defendant who failed to identify the crime during the trial?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What date is the relevant date to assess the ground of opposition?

Canada (Federal), Canada

What is the test for abuse of discretion in a criminal case?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for unjust enrichment in matrimonial cases?

British Columbia, Canada

Does an applicant have to testify that he did not include any significant information in his sponsored spouse questionnaire and narrative?

Canada (Federal), Canada

Does a probation search need to continue after a probationer has agreed to a search?

California, United States of America

Is failure of consideration sufficient to invalidate a bond?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a child support claim?

Saskatchewan, Canada

What is the test for credibility of evidence in a criminal case?

British Columbia, Canada

What standard of review is applicable in assessing whether instructions correctly state the law?

California, United States of America

What is the test of reasonableness for a police officer to walk upon common grass in a side yard to investigate a loud party complaint?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a municipal by-law?

Nova Scotia, Canada

What is the test for proving the corpus delicti?

California, United States of America

What is the test for making a claim for damages at a victim restitution hearing?

California, United States of America

What is the test for invalidating a life sentence for a convicted rapist?

California, United States of America

What is the test for discriminatory comments made by an employer to be discriminatory?

California, United States of America

Can a defendant be punished for more than one criminal offence under section 654, subdivision (a) of the California Criminal Code?

California, United States of America

What is the test for admitting evidence of domestic violence in a criminal case?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a hostile work environment claim?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Does a husband and wife's joint tenancy of a house constitute community property?

California, United States of America

Can a search of the premises of a man who was arrested without a warrant for a violation of section 647 subsection (f) of the California Penal Code be justified?

California, United States of America

How have courts dealt with the issue of prosecutorial misconduct in criminal cases?

California, United States of America

Does a Minister have the authority to make Charter decisions?

British Columbia, Canada

Does a defendant have to pay full restitution as a condition of probation under a plea agreement?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is a declaratory relief action barred by the statute of limitations prescribed in Code of Civil Procedure?

California, United States of America

What is a constructive trust?

Ontario, Canada

Can a search warrant be used to seize items from a witness in plain view?

California, United States of America

What is the test for determining whether a police officer's motivation is relevant to a criminal investigation?

"New York", United States of America

What is the impact of a settled statement in a motor vehicle case?

California, United States of America

What is the state of the law in the context of Bookout's appeal?

California, United States of America

What is the law on a mobility application?

Nova Scotia, Canada

When a will has been executed by a testator having testamentary capacity and that it was read by or read to the testator prior to execution, in the absence of suspicious circumstances, is there a presumption that the Testator knew and approved the contents of the will?

British Columbia, Canada

What is the effect of section 140(1) of the amended version of Section 140 of the New York State Code of Civil Procedure on retroactive retroactive relief?

"New York", United States of America

What are punitive damages for conduct in the manner of dismissal?

British Columbia, Canada

Can a person whose claim has been rejected be stated unequivocally to be a person who is entitled to the benefits?

New Brunswick, Canada

What is the test for introducing Rule 404(b) evidence?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Can an attorney who chooses to litigate in propria persona rather than retain an attorney to represent him recover attorney fees?

California, United States of America

Can a lessor be held liable for breach of a covenant by an independent contractor?

Saskatchewan, Canada

What is the test for insufficiency of evidence in a criminal case?

California, United States of America

Is a prosecutor entitled to comment on a defendant's failure to present witnesses?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for legal set-off?

Alberta, Canada

What is the common law right of a policeman to enter a home?

Canada (Federal), Canada

What is the impact of remarriage on a compensatory support case?

British Columbia, Canada

What is the meaning of "right to seek redress for harm suffered"?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Can a business that provides services for off-the-reserve employees be considered to be in the commercial mainstream and subject to income tax?

Canada (Federal), Canada

What is the test for rejecting a factual determination by a judge?

California, United States of America

What is the test for establishing a reasonable doubt in a sexual assault case?

California, United States of America

What are the Purchasers' arguments for a stay of execution of Colours' application for an arbitration order?

Alberta, Canada

What facts give rise to a fiduciary duty?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for the use of the word "state" in the context of civil litigation?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is the Second Amendment constitutional guarantee?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Is a waiver of a statutory right to appeal valid if knowingly and voluntarily made?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Does the trial court erred by informing the jury that defendant's prior crimes did not involve moral turpitude?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a de novo a due process claim involving the government's failure to preserve potentially exculpatory evidence?

MultiRegion, United States of America

Does an inmate have to proceed in forma pauperis if an action has been dismissed as frivolous, malicious or frivolous?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for vagueness in the law?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for determining whether a party has been deemed to be an indispensable party?

California, United States of America

How is credibility determined in a sexual assault trial?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for admitting and considering hearsay evidence at a probation revocation hearing?

California, United States of America

What is the test for a court to determine whether a parent's reason or motive for moving to a new location is justified?

Ontario, Canada

What is the test for establishing a finding of cause of action by the Court of Appeal?

California, United States of America

What is the test for ineffective assistance of counsel?

California, United States of America

In a joint-custody case, in what circumstances will the court order equal sharing of the child?

Ontario, Canada

Is counsel ineffective for failing to challenge the admissibility of wiretap evidence?

MultiRegion, United States of America

To what extent of unanimity instruction should have been given in relation to the offense of attempted murder?

California, United States of America

What is the legal test for disqualification of a trial judge?

California, United States of America

What is a “proper” disbursement?

British Columbia, Canada

Does a jury have to acquit a defendant of murder for failing to instruct the jury on simple possession of a destructive device?

California, United States of America

What is the test for "clearly established" First Amendment rights?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is relevant evidence in a sexual assault case?

California, United States of America

What are the implications of a motion for reconsideration?

MultiRegion, United States of America

What is the test for assessing the merits of a commercial transaction?

Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

What is the effect of the law on self-help remedies?

Alberta, Canada

Does a jury have to be instructed not to discuss the case in the presence of a reporter?

California, United States of America

What is the impossibility defense in criminal cases?

MultiRegion, United States of America