Alexi's newest platform is coming this October: Transform your practice with AI for modern litigation
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Use Alexi to serve your clients better. Here's how...

Get answers faster

Get accurate answers to complex legal questions with a quick answer or an in-depth research memo, instantly.

Analyze in seconds

Summarize lengthy legal documents with specialized AI so you can focus more on client strategy.

Organize seamlessly

Give your whole team an AI-enabled platform that keeps your litigation workflow securely organized at all times.

Protected with enterprise-grade security

With Alexi, your litigation files are shielded with enterprise-grade protection. Generate memos, analyze documents, and collaborate with others in your firm, knowing your data is always safe.

Do more every day with Alexi

Alexi accelerates your routine litigation tasks by reducing the time to answer, simplifying case management and intelligently tracking work products.

Organize cases better with Matters

Matters is the easy, no-nonsense way to organize your documents for the entire litigation file lifecycle.

Connect clients to cases

Each Matter gets a file number that is unique to your client for easy billing and Administration so that no work product is written off.

Bring everything together

Matters can organize as many conversations as well as both uploaded and generated documents as needed for all your litigation files.

Find the right file

Looking for a specific document from months ago? Simply filter by date and quickly grab the file from its respective Matter.

One platform for all your litigation needs

Alexi is your all-in-one conversational assistant that helps you get your work done.

Ask questions about the law

No question is too small or too big. Alexi can provide quick, detailed answers to tricky legal questions for any practice of law.

Get detailed research memos

For more complex queries, Alexi will generate research memos that highlight relevant case law and discussion points for you to consider.

Summarize lengthy documents

Long client transcript? Alexi can summarize it for you and export it in a shareable format that you can share with your colleagues.

Stay on top of each case with Workflow

Workflow is your personal document and activity hub, helping you keep track of the entire litigation file.

See all your activity

Workflow shows you everything you've been working on, from new chats to documents, all in one compact view.

Browse uploaded files

Looking for a particular memo or client document? All your uploads are featured and searchable within Workflow.

Ask questions about a document

Hunting for something specific in a document? You can ask Alexi to answer questions about any document you've uploaded.

With Alexi, litigators get more done

Get accurate answers to complex legal questions with a quick answer or an in-depth research memo, instantly.


Faster than manual methods


More legal research memos generated


Billable hours saved per week

“Alexi has shown demonstrable ROI for our Knowledge Management team as well as our entire firm, and we would recommend it to any firm that has research needs.”

Paul Saunders,
Stewart McKelvey
Paul Saunders of Stewart McKelvey
Paul Saunders,
Stewart McKelvey

"I think it makes us better lawyers because we’re on top of things, and that energy can be better spent doing what we’re intended to do – share our experience and advice with the client...Alexi has upped our game considerably."

Brian Galbraith,
Galbraith Family Law
Paul Saunders,
Stewart McKelvey

Get a tour of Alexi with a legal AI expert

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